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TU Berlin

Blunt body problem

The Fortran 90 program "bluntbody" allows to solve the astrophysical hypersonic blunt body problem using the method first described in Schneider, W. 1968, J. Fluid Mech., 31, 397 (Erratum: Schneider, W. 1968, J. Fluid Mech., 32, 829), as extensively discussed in Schulreich, M. M. & Breitschwerdt, D. 2011, Astron. Astrophys., 531, A13 (hereafter SB11).

Input data can either be provided directly via the console or through an ASCII input file with the default name "input.dat". This optional file must contain the full list of input parameters in the following order:

Line Parameter name Data type Description
1 j integer flow geometry parameter (plane flow: j = 0; axisymmetric flow: j = 1)
2 gam float adiabatic index (ratio of specific heats)
3 M float upstream Mach number
4 uinf float upstream flow (or obstacle) velocity (in cm s$^{-1}$)
5 rhoinf float upstream fluid density (in g cm$^{-3}$) 
mu float mean molecular weight (fluid with solar metallicity: mu = 0.62)
a float bow shock geometry parameter (parabola equation: $r(z)=(a z)^{1/\alpha}$)
alpha float bow shock geometry parameter 
scale_l float length scale of the problem (in cm) 
10  zhatmin float lower limit for shock-normal computations (in units of scale_l
11  zhatmax float upper limit for shock-normal computations (in units of scale_l
12  plines integer desired amount of shock normals (must not exceed 99999)

The code comes packed with an exemplary input file, called "input_test.dat". Just change its name to "input.dat" for using it together with the unaltered version of the program.

The following files are generated during code execution:

  • "shock.dat": contains variables directly behind the bow shock wave,
  • "body.dat": contains variables along the obstacle's surface,
  • "probeX.dat" (with X lying between 00001 and plines): contains variables along the shock normals that reside within the shock layer between zhatmax and zhatmin.

Each output file comprises of the following set of variables:

  1. the plane/axisymmetric coordinate $z$ (in cm)
  2. the plane/axisymmetric coordinate $r$ (in cm)
  3. the downstream fluid pressure $P$ (in dyn cm$^{-2}$)
  4. the downstream fluid density $\rho$ (in g cm$^{-3}$),
  5. the downstream fluid temperature $T$ (in K),
  6. the downstream fluid velocity in $x$-direction $u$ (in cm s$^{-1}$),
  7. the downstream sound speed $c$ (in cm s$^{-1}$),
  8. a measure for the downstream fluid specific entropy, $P/\rho^{\gamma}$.

The probe-files additionally contain

  1. the shock-oriented coordinate $y$ (in cm).

Compiling and running the code

We recommend usage of the provided Makefile. Open a console window and type


In certain situations one wants to get rid of the generated object and executable files. This can be conveniently achieved via

make clean

To erase all output files, type

make cleanout

Both operations are bundled into the command

make cleanall


For the purpose of data visualization, several Gnuplot scripts have been put into the subdirectory "pp". Each of them can be executed via

gnuplot "<name of script file>"

No changes are needed for analyzing the data generated with the sample input file. If there are any errors, make sure to have an up-to-date version of Gnuplot installed on your system.

Implicit user agreement

You may use the program freely as is or modify it for your own applications. If you use the code for publications it would be appreciated (1) that you cite our method paper (SB11), and (2) that you include an acknowledgement.

Please note that the code does not come with any guarantees. However, feel free to send bug reports to



Version history

  • 1.0 (July 2009): Original Fortran 77 version that was used to generate the results presented in SB11. Integrations were performed with the routine qromb from the Numerical Recipes.
  • 2.0 (Sept. 2016): Completely rewritten Fortran 90 version that uses a different (but equally reliable) Romberg integrator. Added second option for data input via text file (sample file included). Extended the list of output variables. Greatly enhanced effiency by performing shock-normal computation on a logarithmic mesh. Further added a simple Makefile for the gfortran compiler and a small collection of Gnuplot visualization scripts.

Zusatzinformationen / Extras